A Better Life With Chiropractic
Why take your kids to the chiropractor? For many of the same reasons, every adult should be visiting a chiropractor on a regular basis. Plain and simple, your quality of life improves with chiropractic care.
Quality of life, measured in terms of depression, anxiety and interference with daily activities due to pain as part of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS)-25 assessment tool, was significantly higher in children under the care of a chiropractor. Specifically, children were significantly less likely to report any symptoms of depression, anxiety or pain interference following a trial of chiropractic care. The researchers also accounted for variables that could have influenced the outcomes, such as a number of visits, pain level, the motivation for care, etc.
Give your children (and yourself) a better life with chiropractic. The sooner your kids experience the health and wellness benefits of regular chiropractic care, the better. After all, what parent doesn’t want their children to grow up with a little depression, anxiety, and pain as possible? Talk to your chiropractor for more information. To learn more about chiropractic for kids, including additional research documenting the safety and health benefits of pediatric chiropractic, visit the website of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA).